Bangladesh Television Relay Station – Natore

Natore: Bangladesh Television Relay Station

Bangladesh Television has several relay stations throughout the country. For the northern part of Bangladesh in past it had only one relay station, and it was in Natore. This relay station is located in the main town of Natore.

Natore: Bangladesh Television Relay Station

If you want to enter inside the television office premise you’d need to acquire a permission. Inside the premise various kind of trees are planted, and between the trees jungle grew up. Also you’d find quite a few Mango trees. If you are during summer then you might wanna taste some mango from there.

Natore: Bangladesh Television Relay Station

Inside the Natore television station it has a small guest house. You could stay there with a cheaper price if you have proper permission. Specially this is very easy for the government officers to access it.

Written by Lonely Traveler,
For blog

Friday, 28th May 2010

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